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Salah makan bukan hanya berakibat buruk terhadap kesehatan, tetapi juga kehidupan seks Anda. Salah-salah suami bisa impoten, bahkan istri frigid. Pilihan makanan yang tepat, selain mampu membarakan gairah bercinta, juga dapat membuat wilayah tertentu tubuh.

SEBUAH riset terhadap kehidupan seksual wanita usia tengah baya (30 hingga 40-an tahun) dilakukan di AS. Hasilnya, 42 persen wanita AS mengalami masalah seksual dalam berbagai bentuk. Uniknya, justru hanya 31 persen pria yang mengaku mengalami hal yang sama. Boleh jadi ini disebabkan karena mayoritas pria merasa terlalu gengsi menyebutkan kekurangan kehidupan seksualnya.
Sejumlah 30 persen di antara para wanita tersebut mengalami hilang gairah bercintanya. Mereka mengaku padamnya gairah itu lantaran hubungan intim sudah menjadi hal rutin dan terlalu biasa, stres, kehadiran anak-anak, kelelahan, sakit, minum obat-obatan dokter, dan/atau merasa tidak seksi lagi akibat kegemukan. Para ahli menyimpulkan faktor hormonal turut berperan dalam penurunan hasrat seksual mereka, terutama pada wanita pramenopause. Selain itu, mereka meyakini faktor psikologis turut memicu menyusutnya bara seksual wanita.
Padahal, jika ditelusuri lebih jauh, faktor hormonal dan faktor psikologis bisa sangat berhubungan erat dengan asupan makanan. Apa yang kita makan akan mempengaruhi sel-sel saraf otak yang merupakan pusat semua perintah untuk melakukan aktivitas, termasuk aktivitas seks.

Kendali ada di otak

Ibarat pemerintahan, pemenuhan hasrat seksual melibatkan banyak komponen, yakni sejumlah kelenjar. Yang menjadi pejabat setingkat presiden adalah hipotalamus, suatu “pusat komando” dalam otak yang mengorganisasikan seluruh urusan dan perintah di dalam tubuh. Khusus untuk urusan seks, petunjuk penatalaksanaan percintaan akan disampaikan pada penerima perintah di bawahnya, yakni kelenjar pituitari (hipofisa).
Selanjutnya, perintah tersebut diteruskan lagi pada kelenjar seks untuk dilaksanakan. Pekerjaan ini melibatkan kelenjar testis pada pria dan ovarium pada wanita. Kelenjar testis ada dua buah, tersimpan dalam kedua buah zakar pria. Yang satu bertugas memproduksi sperma, satunya lagi menghasilkan hormon kelelakian (testosteron). Sementara ovarium memproduksi hormon estrogen dan progesteron.
Kalaupun kelenjar seks terpaksa berhalangan menunaikan tugasnya menggenjot dorongan seksual, seseorang masih tetap bisa menikmati indahnya hubungan intim. Masih ada dua kelenjar penghasil hormon pemicu gairah seksual yang selalu siap untuk segera menggantikan tugas, yakni, kelenjar tiroid yang menghasilkan hormon tiroksin dan kelenjar adrenal (anak ginjal) yang memproduksi hormon adrenalin.
Seluruh kelenjar akan bekerja dengan baik jika cukup mendapat pasokan zat-zat gizi. Karena itu, efek merugikan akibat mogoknya kerja kelenjar-kelenjar tertentu dalam menghasilkan hormon dapat diamati dari pola makan seseorang. Asupan gizi yang salah membuat Anda rentan terhadap padamnya gairah seksual, karena tugas menyalakan gairah seksual dikendaikan oleh sejumlah kelenjar, yaitu kelenjar utama seks (pituitari, testis, ovarium) dan kelenjar penunjang seks (tiroid dan adrenal).
Kekurangan asupan vitamin E dan vitamin B-kompleks, terutama vitamin B3 (niasin) dan vitamin B4 (asam pantotenat) membuat kelenjar pituitari malas bekerja. Akibatnya, pria sulit ereksi secara sempurna, bahkan bisa mogok total (impotensi). Pada wanita, akibatnya bisa lebih parah, mereka menjadi lebih cepat menopause. Kedatangan menopause dini ini umumnya disertai dengan kekeringan vagina.

Faktor nutrisi

Merosotnya produksi hormon testosteron bisa disebabkan kurangnya asupan vitamin A, vitamin B-kompleks (khususnya vitamin B12 (kobalamin), asam folat, dan inositol), magnesium, seng, kalsium, belerang. Kondisi ini membuat dorongan seks (libido) merosot, sehingga mengganggu jadwal hubungan intim. Pada wanita, defisiensi nutrisi yang sama berakibat menyusutkan produksi hormon estrogen. Selain mangalami kekeringan vagina, defisiensi tersebut juga membuat wanita kurang bisa merasakan sensasi kenikmatan seksual pada klitoris dan sulit mencapai orgasme.
Ternyata, apapun masalah seksual yang muncul, secara umum lebih banyak disebabkan kekurangan asupan vitamin B-kompleks. Dengan mencukupi asupan vitamin B-kompleks, hal pertama yang akan direparasi adalah hasrat untuk berhubungan intim (mood). Selain itu, muncul perasaan relaks. Terapi seksual sebaiknya dibarengi dengan meningkatkan asupan makanan kaya vitamin C. Terapi hingga 2-3 bulan pertama bisa dibarengi dengan konsumsi suplemen vitamin C-ester 1.000 mg per hari.


The benefit of the crop of Rosella

From top to bottom, the yard crop had the usefulness. Was based on the research, the leaves, the seed, the stick, as far as the root rosella evidently could be made use of as heterogenous medicine the illness.

Uptil now, rosella often decorated the yard of houses in Indonesia. Apart from as decorative plants, rosella often was used as food accessories that delicious. but rosella now was used for medical treatment of various illnesses among them:

1. As Anti Oxidant.

In Indonesia, the research about the test and the activity of the nutrients component anti the oxidant to the flower sheath rosella had been researched by Ir. Didah Nurfaridah in 2005, in his research, the staff of Knowledge and Inserted Breaker Food Fakultas Teknologi Technology of the department's teacher agriculture, the Institute of Pertanian Bogor, found that the level of anti the oxidant in the flower sheath rosella dry far more higher compared with the crop and the knob flower of the cat moustache. The active substance that most played a role in the flower sheath rosella covered gossypetin, anthosianin, and glucoside hibiscin.
The level of anti the oxidant that was high to the sheath rosella could hinder the free radical. Some chronic illness that often was experienced at this time was often caused by the explanation of the free radical yangn excessive. Among them damage ginjal,diabetes, mellitus, the heart of the coroner, through to cancer. Moreover, the free radical could also cause the process of early ageing. It was increasingly thick that the red colour to the flower sheath rosella, it seems will be increasingly sour and the content anthosianin (as anti the oxidant) increasingly high. Unfortunately the level of anti this oxidant to decreased when experiencing the process of the heating and drainage (with the oven). The level of anti this oxidant was in the highest level if being consumed in the form of dry.

2. Anti of Cancer

in the cancer with Body the existence anti the oxidant, the radical's damaging free cells the core of the cell could in eliminated. That was the reason rosella had the effect anti cancer.

Results of the research of Hui-Hsuan the route from Institute Of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung San Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, Proved that rosella was anti side cancer. His research found anti the oxidant rosella killed the cancer cell with the method sitotoksis and apoptosis. The other research that was carried out by DE-Xing Hou in Japan, a researcher from Department of Biochemical Science Ang Technology, Faculty Of Agricultur, Kagoshima University, Japan, found that delphidin 3-sambubioside, antioksidan rosella potent overcame blood cancer alias leukemia.. His procedure by hindering the occurrence lost membrane mitokondria and the release sitokrom from mitokondria to setosol.

3. Anti Hipertensi.

Mauren Williams, ND, a Doctor naturopathy from Bastyr University in Seattle, the United States, carried out the study against 70 people with the level of the minor hypertension illness to was that was in the healthy condition and did not carry out medical treatment anything since a month before the research was carried out. Randomly, some people were asked for to consume the rosella totalling 1 litre before breakfast,The rest consumed 25 mg medicine anti hypertension. After four weeks, evidently blood pressure diastolic decreased through to ten figures for 79 % the person that consumed rosella and 84 % for the person who consumed medicine anti hipertensi.

4. The Heart guard

Chau-Jung Wang from Institute Of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, College Of Medicine, Chung San Medical University, Taichung Taiwan, found the other usefulness rosella. Results of his research showed that the extract rosella could protect the mouse liver. After being given 1-5 % rosella for 9 weeks, heart damage like steasis and fibrosis descended. His work method by means of lowered aspartate aminotransferase (ALT), improved the number glutathione that decreased, as well as hindered the increase in the number perosida fat resulting from the injection of the heart illness.

5. Prevented Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Os Zat most important in rosella that played a role in preventing osteoporosis being calcium. The content of calcium in rosella was high enough that is 486 mg/100 gr. The main function of calcium was to fill up the density (the density) bones. Calcium in bones had two functions that is as the integral part of the structure of bones and as the place of the storage of calcium. In the beginning stage of the growth of the embryo, was formed by the matrix as the young coconut the future body bones. Afterwards this matrix increasingly strengthened through the process of calcification that is the formation of mineral crystal. Calcium and phosphorus were the main element in this structure, so as both of them must be in the number that was enough to be received in the liquid that surrounded the bones matrix.

6. The other benefit of the Rosella.

The other benefit of the flower rosella that is as laksative and the natural diuretic, that could maintain the health of the kidney, reduced blood pressure, reduced the sign of the cough that was accompanied with dahak, also refreshed and eliminated the thirst. Apart from being processed into tea, jam, beautiful and syrup, rosella also could be processed into the fresh drink that his production really was easy.


Dill, Herb of the Year 2010

Usually used to address digestive disorders and begin to expect in the treatment of diabetic, coronary heart disease, and cancer.

Who says the election arena is owned by a beauty queen? Each year, the International Herb Association, the association of the herbalist in the United States, also chose a proper herb holds Herb of the Year. The criteria were similar to the Miss World. Selected herbs must be "beautiful" inside and out. In addition to physically attractive, herb medicine must also prove efficacious, and safe for consumption as food.

This year, all of those requirements can be met by dill, aromatic plants which form needle-like leaves. Herbaceous in Latin Anethum graveolens named this for centuries and proven safe to use to solve a variety of digestive disorders.

Several studies have also managed to reveal the "talent" were buried, ie, as antibacterial, antikolesterol, and anticancer. Capabilities that make the herbalist agreed that holds a decent dill Herb of the Year in 2010 and worthwhile as a future drug.

Have many names

If you are a little familiar with his name, that's understandable. Dill herb is out and is presumed to derive from the Mediterranean region (Greece and surrounding area) and Eastern Europe. Several sources also mentioned he was from West Asia, especially since dill already become part of the Ayurveda system of medicine since the year 700 BC.

In many parts of the world, dill, called by different names. In the area of Greece for example, he was known by the name or anitos anitho. Almost the same as the name provided by the nation India, namely Aneto. Arabs call him shabath, shibitt, or sjamar. While in China, he called hell loh (Canton), shi Luo, or tu hui xiang (Mandarin). Koreans give her name or inondu tour, similar to the name given by the Japanese, that is inondo.

Which gives the name dill is a nation of Serbia, Sweden, Ireland and Latvia. That said, the nickname of a uniform in some countries due to its name last born of the term "Dilla", which in Old Norse language (ancient Scandinavian) means calming

Ward off evil spirits

Dill said the election was not without reason. At that time, at night, many fussy babies with no known reason. Ancient Scandinavian people think, the cause is interference from evil spirits.

After trying several ways, they concluded that babies fed a few spoonfuls of liquor that comes from steeping the leaves or dill seed relatively quickly calm and can sleep well. This also happens when steeping dill drinking from lactating mothers. In addition to feeling more relaxed, her milk production has increased dramatically. This phenomenon makes the Skandinavian - Scandinavian term for the people - trust, dill indeed counteract the influence of powerful magic and evil spirits that disturb the baby.

Why are soothing

According to Dr. Indradjaja Sicily, MHM, herb specialists practicing in the clinic "O", Jakarta, in general dil l have a pharmacological effect as a facilitator ASI, peluruh fart, antikejang, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant. The effect was not independent of the active compounds contained in them such as tannins, flavonoids, essential oil and carvone, limonene, anethofuran, phellandrene, and many others.

Please note, tannins act as astringents which works by shrinking the mucus, which can help reduce the incidence of sputum or mucus causes coughing and colds.

Meanwhile, a kind of antioxidant flavonoids that contribute to inflammation and wound healing at the cellular level. His role was to make dill able to relieve fever and wounds in the digestive organs (duodenum and stomach).

Especially with regard to properties of dill on gastric wound had been examined by Hosseinzadeh, from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences University, Iran. . In their study, the rat gastric acidity increased sharply because of hydrochloric acid and ethanol, after being given a dill seed extract was significantly decreased levels of acidity. Research published in BMC Pharmacol Journal (December 2002) showed that dill works by reducing stomach acid causes injury.

Destroy bacteria and fungi

If viewed from the standpoint of the treatment system is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dill is an herb that is aromatic and warm. According to Dr Sicily, this herb is useful so that the energy launched symptoms caused by blockage of energy such as nausea, bloating,, sat, or spasm can be overcome.

"In addition, essential oils act as antifungal and antibacterial, so also useful for treating skin problems, especially those caused by fungi and bacteria," said Dr Sicily.

Activity of essential oils of dill in the fight against bacteria and fungi was ever proved by Majekodunmi with his colleagues, a group of Oman origin researcher, whose report was published in Pharmaceutical Biology Journal (Volume 44, 2006).




Already abstinence cholesterol foods, but why blood cholesterol levels are still high? Well, if you belong to who have similar complaints, it is time to further look at your food intake.

ALL fatty foods into our bodies is converted into fat body, ie, triglycerides (usually abbreviated to TG), free fatty acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol. Of the four types of fat, which should watch is the TG, free fatty acids and cholesterol. One of the most often discussed is the cholesterol.

In our bodies, there are two types of cholesterol. There are "good cholesterol" HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein), there are also "bad cholesterol" LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein). HDL, dubbed as "good cholesterol" because it is useful to shrink excess blood cholesterol levels. In contrast, LDL is called "the bad cholesterol" because it increases the risk of fat crust formation on the inner wall of blood vessels, pipe (atherosclerosis).

Fat resulted in crustal thickening of the walls of blood vessels, so blood vessels hole area becomes limited. If the process of continuous incrustation occurs, the hole will be narrowed blood vessels, even a dead end! Consequently, health problems in various organs, especially brain, heart, and kidney. Well, the end of terror is a stroke excessive fat content and / or heart attack.

Food triggers

Foods containing cholesterol resulted in an increase blood cholesterol levels. But the significant jump in blood cholesterol levels actually increases caused by foods containing saturated fat. Examples of foods high in saturated fats such as lard, beef, mutton, chicken meat, fried food, pastries and cakes made with butter, thick oily bersantan cuisine. So, to avoid cholesterol foods are not only useless, if it is diligently eating foods high in saturated fat.

Dietary cholesterol is only found in animal foods, not in plant foods. But the saturated fat content found in animal foods and plant foods. As an exception, although it contains saturated fat, fish are also abundant in unsaturated fats, which exactly nutritious controlling blood cholesterol levels.

Although not contain cholesterol, foods that contain vegetable oils high in saturated fats, especially fried foods and dishes are boiled contain santan and / or over-cooked, should watch by ill over a long period high cholesterol. Other causes an increase in blood cholesterol levels is often unthinkable excess carbohydrate intake. Particularly low carbohydrate source of fiber, such as white rice, noodles, pasta, noodles, cakes and sweets, sugar and syrup. Excessive carbohydrate intake, in our bodies will be changed by the liver (liver) into fat.

Food leader

Efforts to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack is not enough just to look at total cholesterol or "bad cholesterol" LDL cholesterol. But it is also important considering the ratio between total cholesterol level of "good cholesterol" HDL. The smaller the number ratio, the better. Thus, efforts are needed to reduce total cholesterol levels and also raise "good cholesterol" HDL.

Some foods proven to be able to overcome high cholesterol. Oatmeal (oats), including the popular. The most efficacious is the type of rolled oats and quick cooking oats, because it is still natural and rich in fiber. In addition, crude fiber, oats contain beta-glucan soluble fiber. Beta-glucan will absorb the excess cholesterol and bile acid (formed from cholesterol), to be discharged outside the body.

You need not fanatical about oatmeal. Many other nutritious food with oatmeal, among other fruits, especially apples, brown rice, bran, corn, rice, legumes (kidney beans, green beans, peas Tolo, soybeans, tempeh). Eat plenty of vegetables, various types and colors also helps drain the excess cholesterol.

Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, rich in cholesterol-controlling substances. In addition to healthy fats, nuts properties completed flavonoids and vitamin E content of alpha-tocopherol. Also recommended adding more garlic to the cooking spice. Garlic contains an enzyme Alliin and allisin, and steroid saponin, which is efficacious lowering blood cholesterol levels.



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